Numerical approach for geotechnical large deformation problems in recent years
Deformation of geomaterial involves strain localization. Intensive investigations have been focused on how the strain localization is modeled by numerically in geotechnical engineering. There are two types of modeling in the numerical analysis: one is the constitutive modeling which simulates a geomaterial element behavior; the other is the numerical modeling which simulates the whole structure of buildings and ground considering their interactions. The particle-based method, which the authors have been developing to simulate the whole structure, is based on the continua theory and is able to simulate the intensive large deformation by separating the spatial discretization and the calculation of discretized equations. The authors have applied the method to the deformation problems of geomaterial focusing on the large deformation behavior. In this report, based on the previous reports of the authors, numerical approaches for geotechnical large deformation problems in recent years are reviewed.
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