東京都港区に建つ超々高層建物における支持地盤の評価と施工時の挙動観測-麻布台ヒルズ 森JP タワー-
2024年11月現在、建物高さが日本一の麻布台ヒルズ 森JPタワー(地上64階、地下5階、最高高さ324m)は、更新世に堆積した上総層群を支持地盤とした直接基礎形式を採用している。本建物は、主にオフィス・集合住宅からなる高層棟および商業施設・学校施設からなる低層棟から構成され、高層棟は順打ち工法、低層棟は逆打ち工法により施工された。本報文では、長期建物接地圧がおよそ1,000kN/m2となる高層棟を直接基礎形式で支持する地盤の評価と、地表面から約36mに及ぶ地盤掘削および建物構築に伴う支持地盤のリバウンド・沈下挙動の観測結果について述べる。
Evaluation of Bearing Ground for a Super-tall Building in Minato-ku, Tokyo and Monitoring of Its Behavior during Construction -Mori JP Tower-
Azabudai Hills Mori JP Tower (64 floors above ground, 5 floors below ground, maximum height 324 m), the tallest building in Japan as of November 2024, is built on a spread foundation supported by the Kazusa Group deposited during the Pleistocene. The building is composed of a high-rise tower mainly consisting of offices and apartments, and a low-rise portion consisting of commercial facilities and a school. The high-rise tower was constructed using a bottom-up method, while the low-rise portion was constructed using the top-down construction method. This paper describes the evaluation of the bearing ground for the spread foundation for the high-rise tower, which has a longterm ground pressure of approximately 1,000 kN/m2, and the monitoring results of the rebound and settlement behavior of the ground due to excavation of the ground approximately 36m below the ground surface and the construction of the building.
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