当社開発の混合構造RCSS 構法を対象として、柱梁接合部内で直交する鉄骨梁を従来の工場溶接接合(梁フランジ完全溶け込み溶接、梁ウェブ隅肉溶接)から現場混用接合(梁フランジ現場溶接、梁ウェブ高力ボルト接合)とした接合形式を適用範囲に加えるため構造実験を実施し、構造性能を確認した。従来の設計体系を基に、現場混用接合を用いることによる耐力低下を考慮する係数を新たに導入し、柱梁接合部の耐力を評価した。
Structural Behavior of Composite Frame System of Reinforced Cocrete Columns and Steel Beams with Connections Consisting of Welded-Flanges and Bolted-Webs
In order to extend the application of the conventional composite frame system (RCSS) with beam-column joints consisting of full-penetration-welded flanges and fillet-welded web, the structural behaviors of a composite frame consisting of reinforced concrete columns and steel beams (with beam-column joints consisting of site-welded-flanges and bolted-web connections) are experimentally investigated. Experimental shear strength for beam-column joints can be predicted based on the conventional seismic design methods by introducing reduction coefficients for the welded-flange and bolted-web connections.
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