大空間構造物における地震防災対応力向上に向けたモニタリングシステムの活用 -屋内自転車競技場:伊豆ベロドロームにおける実施例-
Damage monitoring system for improved availability of large structures for disaster mitigation after earthquakes
-Testing at Izu Velodrome indoor cycling stadium-
In recent years, a number of natural disasters have exceeded expectations, leading to a need for improved disaster mitigation capabilities. After a large earthquake, for example, many large structures such as stadiums may need to be available for an unspecified number of people, and it is important to confirm their safety. As one element of an earthquake disaster mitigation strategy that takes advantage of such spaces, we have tested a monitoring system for such large structures that determines damage status immediately after an earthquake. The target structure is the Izu Velodrome, an indoor cycling stadium. The monitoring system was installed for testing in 2015. This report outlines the system and describes the construction policy used and then presents the results of microtremor measurements and seismic observation records obtained after installation. To conclude, points to keep in mind when applying such a system are noted.
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