3.11津波による沿岸域土砂移動の応用地質学的検討 -津波による土砂移動の数値モデルと予測技術の確立に向けて-
Applied geological study on nearshore sediment transport by 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami
-For establishment of numerical model and prediction technique of tsunami-generated sediment transport-
Numerical simulation of sediment transport is important for clarification of whole picture of nearshore sediment transport by 2011 Tohoku-oki Tsunami, and prediction of similar nearshore disasters by future tsunamis. The present paper mainly describes useful survey method and current findings based on the investigations on the shallow seafloor at southern part of the Sendai Bay. Those are essential to obtain input data, and validate the numerical model. The simulations by medium-grained sands are generally consistent with the transport (i.e. range and timing of the transport, and volume of the topographic change) inferred from the field data. To expressly provide predicted performance of the numerical model, and to establish general-purpose technology, examination of various uncertainties depending on the field survey and the numerical simulation, and accumulation of V&V work are necessary.
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