本研究は、減衰機能を持つ免震装置のひとつである鉛プラグ挿入型積層ゴム(LRB)を対象に、長周期長時間地震動を受ける免震建物の応答評価に有効な解析モデルの構築を目的とする。提案モデルは、水平二方向変形、大変形、繰返し変形といった過酷な応力状態の挙動を評価可能である。本論文では、解析モデルの構成を示し、LRB 試験体の水平二方向繰返し加力実験結果と提案モデルによる解析結果との比較からモデルの妥当性を確認する。続いて、提案モデルを用いた地震応答解析結果から、水平二方向変形と繰返しによる特性変動が免震建物応答に与える影響を考察する。
An Analytical Model for Lead Rubber Bearings under Bi-directional and Multi-cyclic Deformation
In this study, an analytical model is developed for the lead rubber bearing (LRB), a type of seismic isolation device with a damping function. The proposed model is able to analyze the behavior of LRBs under severe stress conditions, including bi-directional, large, or multi-cyclic deformations, making it useful for the response analysis of seismically isolated buildings during long-period, long-duration earthquakes. The constitution of the proposed model is described and its validity confirmed by comparing model outputs with the results of horizontal bi-directional loading tests on LRBs. Seismic response analysis is also conducted to examine the influence of bi-directional and repetitive LRB deformation on the behavior of seismically isolated buildings.
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