本報では、まず、梁端部のスチフナプレートによる補強方法の概要と、その設計法を示した。また、高強度鋼材(550N/mm2 級鋼材)までを含めた設計法の適用範囲について検証するため、FEM 解析によるパラメータスタディを実施し、FEM 解析結果を安全側に評価できることを示した。最後に、1/2 スケールの試験体を用いた構造実験を実施し、構造実験試験体が十分な塑性変形性能を有することを示し、本構法の有効性を確認した。
Development of the structural system for thin-web steel beam reinforced with stiffener plates
- S+ ( Stiffener Plus ) structural system for optimizing steel beam size-
The authors developed a structural system for steel structures where an end of a girder is reinforced by stiffener plates. Using the method, the required plastic deformation capability can be retained for the entire girder with a thinner web plate, leading to reduction of the total amount of the steel. In this paper, the outline of reinforcement method is first shown, along with its design method which application range is extended for high strength steel. Secondly, a series of parametric studies is carried out with the help of finite element method (FEM) to verify the proposed design method. Finally, in order to confirm the plastic deformation capability of a reinforced steel girder, a series of structural performance tests is carried out using 1/2 scale specimens, and the validity of the proposed structural system is shown.
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