清水建設株式会社四国支店新社屋は、BCP の強化と中規模オフィスビルのZEB モデルとなることを目指し、様々な技術を導入した。本論文では、導入した技術の1 つである、新たな空調・換気システム“S-ラジシステム・ライト”おける省エネ効果と、そのシステムによって形成された夏期冷房時の室内環境の実態を紹介する。具体的には、四国支店新社屋では空調・換気用途で従来システムを利用した場合に比べて約47%の省エネを達成し、室内環境に対する満足者率は60%前後で、不満足者率は20%以下であった。
The First Year Achievement of Energy Saving in New Shikoku Branch Building, and Evaluation on Actual Indoor Environment in Summer.
New Shikoku Branch building has introduced various technologies for improving BCP (Business Continuity Planning) and saving energy. This paper describes an effect of the new air conditioning system, known as the 'S Radiant System Lite', which is technology introduced to realize energy conservation. Also, it is explained how the actual indoor environment formed by this system was evaluated by the occupants. Specifically, the air conditioning and ventilation system of this building achieved energy savings of about 47% compared with the conventional system. In addition, the satisfaction rate for the indoor environment was over 60%, and the rate of unsatisfactory people was less than 20%.
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