本論では、新たに開発した「セレン酸と亜セレン酸を同時に吸着可能なセレン吸着剤」の性能評価について報告する。セレン吸着剤の吸着能力を評価するために、反応速度、等温吸着線、処理時の最適pH について検討した結果、環境基準値以下まで処理が可能で、吸着容量は22,000 mg/kg と既存の薬剤よりも高い吸着能を有することが示された。また、処理速度も高く、吸着反応は5 分以内で終了する。排水の適用可能pH も5.0〜9.0 の広範囲であった。
Development of remediation technology on site for naturally selenium-contaminated waste water
-Evaluation of efficiency of newly-developed adsorbent for selenium-
This paper evaluated the efficiency of newly-developed adsorbent for selenium that is capable to adsorb simultaneously selenic acid and selenous acid. Newly-developed adsorbent experimented reaction rate, isothermal adsorption line, and applicable pH range. As a result, Newly-developed adsorbent is possible to reduce it to below the environmental standard vale, and that adsorption capacity is 22,000 mg / kg, which is higher than other adsorbents. In addition, the adsorption reaction rate is less than 5 minutes, and the applicable pH range of waste water is 5.0〜9.0.
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