本研究は音声経路案内を用いた場合の視覚障害者の定位と移動の実態を明らかにし、歩行中に手掛かりとなる環境内 の特徴的な要素の具体的事例を収集するため、リアルタイム音声経路案内を開発し、12名の視覚障害者と共に実証実験 を行った。システムは汎用性を重視し、普及が進んでいるスマートフォンとBLEビーコンを使用した。また、誤差1~ 3m程度の高精度な位置推定精度を実現し、音声案内には距離や方向の情報だけでなく、歩行中に手掛かりとなる手摺や 壁などの情報を取り入れた。実験では全ての被験者が経路案内を用いて目的地まで辿りつくことが出来たが、距離や方 向の情報だけでは位置推定誤差や被験者の感覚の違いによって案内とのズレが生じるため、周辺の手掛かり情報を頼り にズレを補いながら移動することで正確な歩行が達成された。特に、直接知覚可能な壁、床、階段、扉などの情報は被 験者にとって重要度が高く、直接知覚出来ない音や部屋の広さなどの情報は一部の被験者にのみ重要度が高かった。
Orientation and mobility assisted by the voice navigation for the visually impaired-A case study on the turn-by-turn voice navigation for the blind and the persons have low vision-
In this paper, to clarify the behavior of orientation and mobility using the turn-by-turn voice navigation for the visually impaired people, we build the system as follows: a) we used a smartphone and the BLE beacons. b) The system reached high level localization accuracy that is 1-3 meters average error. c) The navigation of this system provided the wayfinding information such as direction, distance, landmark and spatial information. We conducted the user evaluation test with 12 blind and visually impaired people in order to assess the availability of this system. In this test, the participants walked the outside and inside routes. The results of the test are as follows: 1) all participants could reach the destination by themselves. 2) It was difficult to walk by only direction and distance information because of the localization error. The participants could find the correct direction and route by using the landmarks and the spatial information. 3) The navigation information of the landmarks that is detectable to the travelers in their route (wall, flooring, stairs, doors and handrails) was useful to all participants. In contrast, the navigation information of the landmarks that is not encountered by the travelers in their route (water sounds and the size of the room) was useful to only some participants.
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