Variability in Heavy Metal Leaching from Fly Ash after Simulated Aging
The ratio of electrical power supplied by coal-fired thermal power plants has increased since the Great East
Japan Earthquake. As a result, the production of coal ash (the combustion residue of coal) has increased and
landfill disposal sites are having to accept greater quantities of ash. This points to a need for discussion about
the effective use of buried coal ash (aged ash) from such sites, which has so far not been utilized.
Leachate from aged ash is found to have lower concentrations of heavy metals compared with that from fly
ash (coal ash before burial). This suggests that aged ash offers reduced risk and greater stability. Another
advantage of aged ash is that its characteristics can be confirmed before use simply by collecting samples from
the landfill site. Consequently, there are expectations that aged ash may find application as an effective
geo-material for urban infrastructure maintenance.
This report clarifies the variability of heavy metal elution from coal ash materials destined for such
applications as urban infrastructure maintenance. Various samples of fly ash collected from all over Japan are
subjected to simulated aging through humidification and tests are carried out that demonstrate reduced heavy
metal leaching with aging.
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