Basic Properties of High-Volume Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag Concrete
Experimental and analysis investigations were carried out to obtain knowledge required for design, manufacturing and construction of concrete containing high-volume ground granulated blast-furnace slag (BFS). The experimental results show that exothermic characteristics of concrete containing BFS are significantly different by not only amount but also fineness and chemical composition of BSF. It is also implied that if BFS amount is large, the setting and hardening are delayed in case slump loss is inhibited, and the calorific value of hydration and autogeneous shrinkage are restrained. Furthermore, the concrete strength in structure does not develop continuously in long terms and the structure strength corrections value in summer becomes large if BFS replaced 70% for cement amount. Based on the temperature stress analysis about mass concrete, high-volume BFS concrete has high resistance to external restraint cracks but low resistance to internal restraints cracks.
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