Development of an Energy and Resource-saving-Air Cleaning System (part 3) -Study on reentrainment of particles deposited on surfaces, particle generation from motors and noise reduction of fan coil units and fan filter units-
In this paper, particle generation, reentrainment of deposited particles and noise of equipment are examined. The amount of reentrainment of particles from walking is 20 to 40% of the amount of deposited particles, and there is little influence of the particle concentration on reentrainment. Moreover, it was clarified that the deposited particles disperse at an air velocity of about 2.0 m/sec or more, and the particles hardly re-disperse under the influence of air velocity (0.8 m/sec) in a T&A system cleanroom. The amount of generated particles from an electric motor is less than the amount of generated particles of worker's. The amount of generated particles decreases by less than one tenth by means of closing an opening of an electric cord and adding a small chamber through the shaft above the motor case. The noise value of FCU-FFU has been reduced by 10dB or more and the noise value of the room has been reduced by 15dB.
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