高活性医薬品の生産・研究施設では、製品へのコンタミネーション防止・作業者の健康被害の防止・環境汚染への配慮の観点から製造装置と設備における薬塵の封じ込め対策が重要である。封じ込め対策の評価は通常、ISPE SMEPACのガイドラインにしたがって行われるが、結果を得るまでに数日を要する場合も多い。著者らは封じ込め性能を現地でリアルタイムにモニタリングする方法として、蛍光性模擬粉体と蛍光粒子検出装置からなるシステムを考案し、その有効性を検討してきた。さらに、実際に使用される封じ込め装置を対象にモニタリングの実用性を検証した。その結果、オンサイト・リアルタイムに封じ込め性能を評価する本モニタリングシステムの有効性が確認された。
Development on Assessing the Particulate Containment Performance in Facility for High Potent Pharmaceutical Compounds
In facilities where high potent pharmaceutical compounds are treated, it is important to take measures for the containment of compound particles, in order to prevent product contamination, worker’s health damage and environmental pollution. The ISPE SMEPAC guideline is generally known as the standard measure for evaluating containment performance, but in those procedures it often takes a few days or more until the analytical results are obtained. In this study, we ran some trials to develop a technique for on-site measuring that can monitor the particle concentration of pharmaceutical compound dust in the air in real-time. We prepared novel fluorescent surrogate particles, and investigated the detective performance of the system composed of those same particles and their measurement equipment. We also evaluated the applicability of the system for containment facility which would be practically-used on site. It has been concluded that this measuring technique could be applied to monitoring the containment performance of high potent pharmaceutical compounds on-site in real-time.
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