Procedures and precision for analyses of major and trace elements for a precise evaluation of activation
Distributions of radioactivities and dose rates inside nuclear facilities are estimated using a simulation code as well as radiation measurements. Concentrations of trace elements in aggregates are different more than those of major elements among the aggregates collected from different location. Hence, actual analyzed data of the relevant elements in aggregates give more accurate estimation on the activation. The analysis using an x-ray fluorescence (XRF) is not recommended for the trace elements but for the major elements. An activation analysis is suitable for the trace elements but not for the major elements. An instrumental analysis accompanied by sample digestion requires specific procedures for elements analyzed; but it can be used for most of elements. According to the geochemical standard data, the discrepancy of analytical values determined with different methods is negligible small when a suitable procedure is selected; most of elements can be determined with approximately 5% for an uncertainty.
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