Demonstration Tests of the Smart Grid at the Office Building in City of Albuquerque
The Japan-US collaborative Smart Grid Demonstration Project, sponsored by NEDO, had been executed from FY2010 to FY2013 at the office building in Albuquerque, NM, US. The purposes of this project were as follows.
1. Demonstration of the interconnection technologies for connecting renewable intermittent power source.
2. Realization of the efficient energy control system which coordinates the energy needs of the demand side
by using information and communication technology.
The demonstration system was built as Micro-Grid of the 400kW grade to enable the islanding operation of the office building. Using this demonstration micro grid, we carried out several demonstration tests as follows.
1. Stabilization of the utility distribution line by power flow control of the building
2. High quality and stable power supply in the islanding operation of the building
3. Demand response operation which coordinated with the existing power system
4. Verification of load tracking control by a chiller with thermal energy storage
We had successfully finished the demonstration project, and got some fruit full results for future development of
a smart community.
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