- タスク&アンビエントクリーン空調システムのライフサイクルにおけるCO2排出量削減効果 -
Development of an Energy and Resource-saving-Air Cleaning System (part 2)
- Reduction effect of life cycle CO2 emission on a task and ambient air cleaning system -
The objective of this study is to clarify the extent to which the CO2 emission over the life cycle (from material manufacturing, construction, operation, maintenance, reform to demolition) of the task and ambient air-cleaning system is reduced. This is done by ascertaining quantitatively the influence of differences in the cleanroom system, cleanliness and thermal load. In particular, the energy required for air circulation in the operation phase, which was considerable in the conventional system, was examined in detail. Compared with a conventional system, it was shown that the CO2 emissions of the task and ambient air-cleaning system can be reduced by 44% in the construction phase, by 30% for maintenance and reform conducted during the operation phase, by 19% in terms of energy consumed during the operation phase, by 16% in the demolition phase, and by 20% over the entire life cycle (45 years). It was shown that CO2 emissions are reduced by about 50% due to changes in the air-cleaning system from past to present models, and in the near future, if conventional systems will be replaced by the proposed system, it was shown that CO2 emission could be reduced by 24%. Moreover, in this paper, the outline of a “temperature stratification type local air cleaning system,” the temperature distribution characteristic, the cleanliness characteristic, and energy-saving are reported.
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