Pilot Treatment Trials for Different Oilfield Produced Waters in Oman
During the oil production process, oily waste water is coproduced at a rate several times that of oil. This water is known as produced water. Treatment levels and technologies are selected based on disposal method or reutilization objectives, environmental impacts, economics, and other such factors.
Polymer flooding is being used as an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method in Oman. In polymer flooding, injection water of increased viscosity reduces mobility difference between water and oil, thereby improving sweep and oil recovery. The quality of polymer flood produced water (PFPW) is different from produced water (PW) without polymer, and various techniques are being studied for the effective treatment of PFPW.
A 50 m3/day capacity pilot plant was designed, fabricated, and utilized to conduct produced water treatment trials. Pilot treatment trials of produced water from three different oilfields in Oman were carried out by nitrogen microbubble flotation in conjunction with coagulation/flocculation. Filtration and adsorption treatment processes were tested as well.
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