Material Point Methodを用いた地盤材料の大変形解析
大変形領域における地盤の挙動を把握する目的で、粒子法の一つであるGIMP(Generalized Interpolation Material Point)法を実装し三軸圧縮試験の再現解析を実施した。MPMは粒子が計算格子を越える際、数値振動を発生する難点が指摘されていた。GIMPはMPMの定式化を一般化し、問題とされた数値振動の不具合を解消した手法である。本論文では、Mohr-Coulombの弾塑性構成則、減衰をそれぞれ定式化し、MPMの定式化に既存の解析技術が有効に組み込めることを示すと共に、三軸圧縮試験の再現解析を通して手法自体の実用性を定性、定量両面から示す。また解析結果を格子法と比較することで粒子法、格子法の相違点について述べる。
Numerical Simulation of Geomaterials Focusing on Large Deformation Problems using the Material Point Method
In order to understand the behavior of geomaterials under large deformation, the author implemented the numerical algorithm based on the particle based numerical method, GIMP (Generalized Interpolation Material Point) method and applied it to triaxial compression test simulations. Although GIMP method is a derivative of MPM, it has more stable numerical algorithm and removes the numerical noises, which are generated when material points cross the numerical grids. In this paper, to simulate triaxial compression test, numerical damping and material non-linearity (Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model) are implemented. The results obtained through simulations are compared with the results by the experiment as well as Finite Difference Method and the effectiveness of GIMP is both quantitatively and qualitatively confirmed.
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