Cracking Reduction Method Using Admixture Slurried with Expansive Additive and Shrinkage Reducing Agent
A new cracking reduction method has been discussed. Admixture slurried with expansive additive and shrinkage reducing agent is post-added into fresh concrete in an agitator vehicle. If the slurry is post-added to fresh concrete, restrained expansion ratio is greater than that using an expansive additive only. A combined effect of expansive additive and shrinkage reducing agent is recognized even if admixture is slurried with expansive additive and shrinkage reducing agent. Comparing a traditional blending method, in which expansive additive and shrinkage reducing agent are replaced by cement and water in advance, with a new blending method in which slurry is post-added, the effect of difference in blending method on hardened concrete is small. Considering that the slurry is added in practical work, the mixing by an agitator vehicle revealed that slurry can be homogeneously mixed with base concrete by the high-speed agitating for 120 seconds, although the careful adjustment of the amount of air is needed. The author assures that the new method, discussed here to reduce cracking, will enhance the flexibility of the use of expansive additive and shrinkage reducing agent. The new method will also solve the insufficient mixing of expansive additive and will improve the quality of expansive concrete.
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