分譲マンションの親睦・相互扶助活動を担うコミュニティ組織について、既存マンションの居住者組織を調査し、その位置づけや理事・役員の連携から組織を類型化、自治会設立と行政認可の状況、地域との関係をもとに、組織形成上の課題を考察した。コミュニティ活動を行う組織形態を、統合型、並存連携型、並存型、地域自治会加入型に類型化、大規模マンションでも統合型の事例があること、並存連携型が近年増加傾向にあること、また統合型、並存型それぞれに長所と課題があることを明らかにした。統合型では、組織の一体運営や自治会加入率維持が可能だが、理事・役員の負担・権限や会計区分に課題があり、並存型では、行政や地域自治会との連携に利があるが、施設設備と運用面の連携や情報共有に課題がある。 実質的に自治会活動を行う管理組合を、行政が自治会と認め、情報提供や助成金を含めた地域連携・セーフティネット化を促すことが望ましいと思われる。
Community Organizations in Ownership Condominiums
In this paper we surveyed about existing ownership-condominiums (condo-owners' and residents’ association) from the viewpoint of positioning of each association and officer cooperation. We found the four types of the resident organization; "integrated", "federated coexistence", " coexistence", and "neighbor association join", and analyzed the relations with the neighborhood community in the region, the establishment process of the residents’ association, and the administrative authorization situation. We found that recently there is an increasing trend of "federated coexistence" than "coexistence". Then we considered issues of making ideal community organization in owner’s condo, and analyzing the background and factor of residents’ association establishment, we found that there are some problems and cons "integrated" and "coexistence" in each. We propose that the local government should accept condo-owners’ association that conducts the community activities as residents’ associations for safety-nets with neighborhood community, and both the condo-owners’ and residents’ associations should make own bylaw for total activities and association fee in accordance with laws and regulations.
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