Efficient wave-based analysis for outdoor sound field using the constrained interpolation profile method with a variable-grid technique
The present report proposes a variable-grid technique for wave-based analyses using the CIP (constrained interpolation profile) method to calculate sound propagation in an outdoor field with high accuracy and low computational costs. This technique is based on the sub-grid technique for the CIP method and provides a procedure for dynamic setting of subgridded areas according to wave propagation. An examination in the two-dimensional outdoor filed reveals that proposed technique has almost the same accuracy with that the normal CIP method with finer uniform-grid system has. The analysis applying the variable-grid system requires one-fifth of computer memory and computational time relative to those the normal finer analysis requires. Additionally, implementation of the perfectly matched layer-absorbing boundary condition for sound field analyses using the CIP method is shown. This technique is applied to suppress reflection waves from outer boundaries of the finite simulation domain.
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