省エネ・省資源を実現するクリーン空調システムの開発(その1)‐ タスク&アンビエントクリーン空調システム概要とクリーン性能 ‐
Development of an Energy and Resource-saving-Air Cleaning System (part 1)- Outline of task and ambient air cleaning system and air cleaning performance -
As industrial cleanrooms become larger and require higher levels of cleanliness, important issues such as the increased energy consumption and increased resources for construction arise. In light of this background, a new innovative energy and resource saving system was developed by separating the heat treatment and cleaning functions and by using the minimum elements required for a cleanroom system, and then an Ambient system which can perform heat treatment and air cleaning of whole cleanroom and a Task system which can control the space needed high cleanliness are .put in practical use These systems have a high local recovery characteristic and a small influence of particle generation as compared with the conventional system.
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