Development and utilization of shotcrete with high early strength and stiffness
Quick-setting shotcrete is shotcrete that develops higher early strength and stiffness than conventional shotcrete. Quick-setting shotcrete has been used widely as primary supports for mountain tunnels, such as road tunnels, to be driven through squeezing ground often encountered deep in the ground or at weak ground sites. Quick-setting shotcrete was developed jointly with Denki Kagaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha with the aim of using it as support members to make it possible to construct high-level radioactive waste disposal facilities at deeper levels in the ground. When it was developed, quick-setting shotrcrete was referred to as "quick-setting high-stiffness shotcrete." Later, its mix proportions were modified to meet the performance requirements (strength development properties) for supports of mountain tunnels, such as road tunnels, to be driven through squeezing ground. The shotcrete thus developed is now called "quick-setting shotcrete." This paper briefly explains how quick-setting shotcrete and quick-setting high-stiffness concrete were developed, describes their specifications and performance and reports on real construction works that show the usefulness of the newly developed material.
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