Development of robot position detection system using random-dot floor patterns
Various types of service robots recently have been developed for guarding facilities, caring for elderly people, carrying objects, and cleaning buildings. As barrier-free facilities improve and their use expands, these robots have more space to move in a building. However robots that move autonomously require a position detection system. Such systems, however still have difficulty in reliably determining positions in certain situations, such as in large areas or across a variety of locations. To solve this problem, we have been developing a position detection system using random-dot patterns on a floor. First, a floor is constructed with a random-dot pattern. Next, the positions of all of the dots are put into a database. As the robot moves across the floor, a camera on the robot captures an image of the floor beneath it and crops the dots in the image. The cropped dot pattern is matched to the dot patterns in the database to determine the position and direction of the robot. In this paper, we propose a localization system and matching algorithm derived from a space technology and present the results of several experiments.
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