明治・大正期の建築作品集にみる清水組設計組織 その2
明治・大正期に編まれた清水組の「作品集」を通して、当時の近代建築技術に対する取り組みについて考察した。その2では、明治38年から大正12年までの清水組設計部設計の代表的な作品328件を収録した『彩色設計図集』(登録有形文化財)と『清水組技術部設計建築作品集 銀行之巻』及び『同事務所之巻』(大正4年)の資料評価を行い、これらを清水建設社史資料及び関連資料に照らして検討し、明治後期から大正までの清水組設計組織の様相と拡充する過程を考察した。
The Works and Design Staffs of Shimizu-gumi during Meiji and Taisho Period, II
The contribution of the Shimizu-gumi design staffs for the technology of Japanese modern architecture was examined by the analysis of the works of Shimizu-gumi during Meiji and Taisho period. In volume II, the following three materials were analyzed together with the Shimizu Corporation's history archives and related materials.“Colored plans of architecture”(registered tangible cultural properties) in which 328 major works by Shimizu-gumi design department during 1905 and 1923,“Architecture of Banks designed by Shimizu-gumi design department”, and“Architecture of Offices designed by Shimizu-gumi design department”. Through this analysis, the development of the design department of the Shimizu-gumi from the late Meiji period to the Taisho period was carefully observed.
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