明治・大正期の建築作品集にみる清水組設計組織 その1
明治・大正期に編まれた清水組の作品集を通して、当時の近代建築技術に対する清水組の取り組みについて考察した。その1では、明治18年から31年までの作品を収録した『清水方建築 いへの寫眞』(2種、全24作品)、『清水方建築家屋撮影』(7種、全123作品)の資料評価を行い、これらを清水建設社史資料及び関連資料に照らして検討し、明治中期における清水店の設計組織(製図場、技術部)の成立過程と様相について考察した。
The Works and Design Staffs of Shimizu-gumi During Meiji and Taisho Period, I
The contribution of the Shimizu-gumi design staffs for the technology of modern architecture through the analysis of the works of Shimizu-gumi during the Meiji and Taisho period was examined. In volume I, examination the works during 1885 to 1897 by analyzing nine documents,“Photographs of Architecture constructed by Shimizu-kata”(2 volumes) in which consists of 24 plates of description and photographs of architecture in a folder, and“Photography by arichitecture by Shimizu-gumi”(7 volumes) in which photography, description, and simple plans of 125 works are introduced in a folding book were done. Analysis of these documents was done together with the materials of Shimizu Corporations’s history archives and related materials, and as a result have made clear the early process of the development of the design department of the Shimizu-gumi in the middle period of the Meiji era.
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