Boron Removal by Electrocoagulation
Electrocoagulation, in which metal ions released from the anode during electrolysis form insoluble precipitants with anions, is widely applied on water treatments of fluorides and arsenics1,2). For the boron removal, a higher removal ratio of 40-70% has been reported on simple model water samples using aluminum electrodes3). Because other anions might have higher reactivities with released metal ions than boron, it is suspected that the removal ratio should be lowered on some natural ground waters. To achieve both (1) 70% boron removal and (2) boron concentartion less than 1.0mg/L, a series of lab tests using four kinds of natural ground waters, which contain 1.3-51mg-boron/L with a variety of minerals and anions, were carried out. The following results show a positive applicability on the boron removal; (1) aluminum anode treatment is inhibited by other anions contained and shows a lower boron removal ratio of less than 40%, (2) by using iron anode, a higher boron removal ratio of 80% on 5mg-boron/L sample is achieved when pH of the treated water is controlled at 7-10, (3) for boron-rich waters higher than 25mg-boron/L, magnesium plays a key role on iron anode electrocoagulation for an effective boron removal.
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