コンクリート再生材からのCr(VI)溶出挙動に溶出試験方法の違いや再利用までの期間の品質変化が及ぼす影響ならびにCr(VI)濃度に及ぼす周辺土壌の影響について検討した。その結果、コンクリート再生材の溶出試験は利用有姿で行うJIS K 0058-1「スラグ類の化学物質試験方法-第1部 溶出試験方法」の適用が妥当と考えられること、試験の実施時期としては再利用直前が望ましく、必要に応じてタンクリーチング試験を実施した方がよい場合があること、また、土壌にpHの緩衝能があり、地下水面から距離がある場合には、土壌環境基準値の3倍値の採用が適当と考えられることなどを示した。
Leaching Behavior of Hexavalent Chromium from Recycled Concrete Materials and Evaluation of Environmental Safety
This study investigated the influence of various leaching test methods and the change in the amount of hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) released from recycled concrete materials between the time the materials are demolished and the time they are reused. The study also examined the influence of the surrounding soil on the concentration of Cr(VI). The following results were obtained.
1. JIS K 0058-1 "Test methods for chemicals in slags - Part 1: Leaching test method” is appropriate for recycled concrete materials.
2. The leaching test should be conducted immediately before recycling.
3. A tank leaching test also should be conducted when the recycled concrete materials show advanced carbonation.
4. The adoption of three times larger soil environmental standards value is reasonable when the soil has pH buffering capability and the contaminated soil is distant from the water table.
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