Using urea to decompose polylactic acid in bark compost
Polylactic acid (PLA) is a plastic of plant origin. Because it is biodegradable, it is used for various environmentally friendly materials, such as sand bags and mulching sheets for agriculture and construction. However, PLA biodegrades very slowly and only a few microorganisms can biodegrade it. We tested a biodegrading method that uses urea to accelerate the decomposition of PLA cloth in bark compost. The results of the test were as follows: 1) The PLA cloth in the bark compost was degraded by the ammonia that was generated by hydrolysis of the added urea; 2) A formula to predict the decomposition rate of PLA cloth in a ammonia aqueous solution could be applied to bark compost, 3) Microbes in the bark compost thrived when the amount of urea added was less than 5 wt%, however, the pH of the bark compost increased at higher urea concentrations, which affected the microbial environment.
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