Modeling the Soil Behavior During Liquefaction and Analysis of a Tank Installed on Soil Reinforced by Chemical Grouting and Subjected to Liquefaction
Recent seismic designs use very strong earthquake ground motions as inputs. Accordingly, the nonlinear behavior of soils, even those in strongly nonlinear areas, must be analyzed In order to understand the soil’s behaviors not only during shaking, but also after liquefaction. In this study, the author modeled the nonlinearity of various types of soil, including completely liquefied soil. A constitutive equation was used for three-dimensional effective stress analysis of the seismic behavior of a tank designed in accordance with old laws and installed on soft ground that had been partly improved by means of chemical grouting. The tank’s structural integrity was examined by evaluating the residual deformation of the soil after an earthquake according to a theory on liquefied soil.
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