- 杭頭接合部の構造性能確認実験および復元力モデルの提案 -
A Structural Behavior of Site-cast Reinforced Concrete Piles with Semi-rigid Connection at Pile Top (Part 2)
- An Experimental Proposal of Restoring Models for Piles with Semi-rigid Connection at Pile Top -
The site-cast reinforced concrete piles with semi-rigid connection at pile top “Shimizu Semi-rigid Connection Pile Top System”, having a smaller cross-section at pile top, can reduce the structural damage in the connected footing or underground girders. It is necessary, however, to establish the design criteria for the pile top connection so that the piles may not fail in a brittle manner prior to a failure of underground structures. This paper describes the experimental work on the pile top including footings, showing stable structural behaviors up to 2% of rotational angle at pile top as long as no splitting failure is expected. The authors have also proposed the estimation methods of flexural strength and rotational rigidity at pile top based on the bearing strength and splitting strength estimation obtained methods in the previous papers [Part 1].
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