What is the Role Which the Relatively Large-Sized Biotope "the Wood of Regeneration" Built in a City Area Plays ?
The biotope named "the wood of regeneration" was built in the Institute of Technology, SHIMIZU CORP. It has one of the greatest scales as what was built in the private sector institution site in the center of Tokyo. A main objective of constructing, this biotope is to reproduce the relation of the people and the living thing in a city. And secondary objective is to facilitate fusion in an area and fulfill the corporate social responsibility, by creating the green tract of land where added value is still higher. This research report describes base data, such as a construction concept of the biotope, its zoning, and introductory animals and plants. The results related with verification of the effect on reproduction of a city due to construction of the biotope, practical use of this institution, and control of maintenance are also demonstrated. Although it is short fruits of work in a period of less than one year, this biotope has been attaining several construction purposes.
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