Study on the Predictions of Oil Pollution Using Subsurface CO2 Gas
The first important step for remediation of oil contaminated site is identification of the contamination spot. However, survey of the contaminated site by fuel oil is not still established. We suppose range of the contamination in actual condition by analyzing oil of the soil which we collect using boring. Boring exploration has the merit that real density of contamination and oil type can specify. However, boring exploration and analyze cost are expensive. And, boring is examination of pinpoint. Therefore, as for the measured value, there is the case which does not show real contamination aspect by heterogeneity of contaminated soil.
We measure hydrocarbon component concentration in soil gas with portable measuring instrument and can suppose contamination range. However, I tend not to be able to estimate the contamination range which is realistic by this method. On the basis of such present conditions, we examined findings in a real pollution site. And we could know a pollution range of the site whole by analyzing the carbon dioxide density in subsurface gas.
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