Strong Motion Simulation Using Aftershock Recordings Observed in the Source Region of the 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake
The authors estimated ground motions in the source region of the Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake of 2004, using aftershock recordings we observed right after the mainshock. As a result we found that, 1) the observed ground motion at Kawaguchi town hall that marked seismic intensity 7, can be reproduced by a source model with an average level of source spectra in the short period range for inland earthquakes; 2) the level of maximum velocity of ground motions in the area that buildings were heavily damaged, was equivalent or greater than those observed at Kawaguchi town hall; 3) the large peak of response spectra at 1 second for the data at Kawaguchi town hall had been strongly affected by the nature of rupture propagation.
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