Investigation Research on the Improvement in Energy Efficiency of a City- Examination of Energy saving Effect by Co-generation on a District Heat and Cooling System -
The purpose of this study is to explore the technical development subjects for improving the energy use efficiency in the social business sector of a city. We concretely made the model system of six patterns about the supply network of electric power and heat which included co-generation system in the existing District Heat and Cooling system (DHC), using three DHC of the Tokyo waterfront area as an examination example. And We performed the simulation of the amount of energy consumption, and evaluated the energy-saving effect which the system configuration of each model bring about. As a result of the examination, there was 11 % of primary energy reduction effect in the model which attempted to do the small scale co-generation system at the electric power supply scale in the place based on the DHC system of the present situation. Moreover, by the large-scale co-generation system model which unified three DHC, and it was presumed supplies heat and electric power to the consumer of integrated area, there was no less than 30% of energy-saving effect.
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