Development of T-headed bars and it's Constructability
Since the Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake, earthquake-resistant design regulations have become more strict. In the case of civil structures, the amount of shear reinforcement or inner tie reinforcement of bridges have increased. In the case of high-rise buildings, by using high-strength concrete, column sections have become smaller, while the rebar arrangements of beam-column connections have become overcrowded. To improve the overcrowded rebar arrangement, the T-headed bar construction method, which directly shortens the building work period and reduces the cost, was developed. The header of T-headed bars is processed firstly by heating the end of rebar up to 1300?C using the high frequency induction method and then processed by pushing the end of the rebar into a holder. For rational construction methods, T-headed bars will become more popular. T-headed bars are effective for complicated rebar arrangements such as wall paneling structures or beam-column joints. In this study, (1)Observation of rebar composition, (2)Anchorage strength test, (3)Pll-out test, (4)exterior beam clumn joint test, (5)Low temperature test, etc. tests were conducted using T-headed bars. And also, constructability tests were conducted using T-headed bars, it was proved that T-headed bar construction method was wark efficient method compared with ordinary hook method. As the results of those tests, it was proved that T-headed bar has efficient anchorage capacity.
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