構造物の地震危険度解析において、地震の発生モデルを設定して、地震動強さの年最大値の確率分布を理論的に求めようとするとき、地震動強さの距離減衰式はマグニチュードについて解けている必要がある。本論文では、そのような距離減衰式を地震の震度や最大加速度および最大速度について考えた。提案した距離減衰式は震源近傍まで適用できるような関数形とし、既往の式や平成 7 年兵庫県南部地震のデータと比較した結果、よい対応が見られた。マグニチュードについて解けている距離減衰式を用いることにより、地震動強さの年最大値の確率分布を理論的に求めることができ、地震危険度解析の結果の要因分析が容易になる。
Relationship of Intensity of Strong Motions to Earthquake Magnitude and Fault Distance for Theoretical Examination of Probability Distribution of Annual Maxima in Seismic Risk Analysis
Earthquake magnitude must be represented by intensity of seismic motions, such as seismic intensity, peak ground acceleration, or peak velocity, for theoretical examination of the probability distribution of annual maxima of the intensity in seismic risk analysis of structures. This paper proposed this kind of attenuation relationships between the earthquake magnitude, the distance to the fault, and the intensity of the seismic motions in Japan. he relationships were formulated to represent not only the far-field motions but also the near-field motions, because earthquakes close to a specific site affect the level of the seismic risk of a structure there more than those far from the site in general. The results by the proposed relationships were comparable to those by other researchers and to the data obtained during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake.
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