- 都市環境向上のため、車両台数を低減し、同時に回収効率を向上させる物流システムであること。
- 廃棄物の不法投棄防止、再資源化の原材料としての品質および量の確保、さらに再資源化に伴って発生する費用や収益の再分配の観点から、トレーサビリティを担保できること。
- 産業廃棄物の取引市場形成や市場競争力の強化のための情報生成と整理、生成情報を提供する情報システムとそれを運用する体制(静脈卸)を含むこと。
Design of Reverse Logistic System for Closed Loop Supply Chains in The Construction Industry
Construction logistics in a recycling-conscious society consists of "conventional logistics" and "reverse logistics." With regard to the use of materials and investment in production, distribution, and logistics systems that constitute the conventional logistics, decisions are made based on economic evaluations. As regards the reverse logistics, environmental issues standout from all other issues, but they are difficult to evaluate economically, and the logistics has been improved mainly in terms of public infrastructure. These two unique characteristics prevent the concept of economic evaluation from integrating these two types of logistics into a system that can be used to create a recycling-conscious society. The author believes that the economic principle must be introduced into the reverse logistics in order to allow construction logistics to function as one element of a system in a recycling-conscious society. Based on this principle, the author has designed a reverse logistics system.
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