Strain Composed of Autogenous Shrinkage and Thermal Expansion Due to Hydration of High Strength Concrete and Stress in Reinforced Columns
Reinflorced concrete members made of high strength concrete (HSC) are subjected to stress due to coupled strain resulting from autogenous shrinkage and thermal expansion/contraction, which may cause severe cracking at early age. In the paper, the coupled strain of HSC was measured and estimated, then actual strain and shrinkage stress in full-scale model columns were investigated. By taking account of the increase of thermal expansion coefficient with age, it was possible to estimate the coupled strain of HSC. While autogenous shrinkage of concrete witb usual Portland cement subjected to a high temperature history was considered to be smaller than that of 20℃-curing, autogenous shrinkage of concrete with admixtures was considered to be larger when the admixture content was high. The actual strain and stress in the reinforced concrete members could be estimated based on the concept of coupled strain of HSC.
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