Numerical Simulation of the Aeroelastic Vibrations of Fundamental Bluff Bodies
In this paper possibility of the computational fluid dynamics as a design tool to evaluate the aeroelastic instability of tall buildings and bridges is discussed. Flow past a rectangular cross-sections exhibits flow separation and reattachment. Also a various kinds of aerodynamic instability can occur depending on its bluffness ratio. Because of this nature, rectangular cross-sections is regarded as an aerodynamically fundamental cross-section. In this paper modified k-ε model is presented and it is demonstrated that, using nature of the RANS model properly, even two-dimensional analysis can simulate those aerodynamic characteristics adequately. Especially, using its advantage in its portability, various aerodynamic instabilities are successfully simulated in a wide range of bluffness ratio through the comparisons between previous experimental researches. From the investigation, it is concluded that it can be applied to the selection of the aerodynamically favorable cross-section at the primary stage of the design process and aerodynamic modification on the designed cross-section utilizing the benefit of the analysis in which spatial variation of the flow and pressure field are easy to extract.
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