Seismic Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Walls by SR-CF System―Methods and Effects of Shear Strengthening by Carbon Fiber Sheets and CF Anchors―
SR-CF system is one of the strengthening techniques for exsisting reinforced concrete buildings by carbon fiber sheets. This technique can be applied to the shear strengthening for columns with side walls, for beams, and for walls. This paper focuses on the shear strengthening methods of walls and the results of experiments. Twelve specimens were tested to investigate the effects of the strengthening and the calculation method of the strengthened wall was suggested. For the strengthening of walls, carbon fiber sheets are pasted diagonally on the surfaces of walls, and the ends of carbon fiber sheets are anchored to the surrounding columns and beams by CF anchors. Carbon fiber sheets act as tension brace, and consequently the shear strength of walls increases.
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