Problems on Earthquake Response Analysis of Soil-Pile-Structure System Using Two-Dimensional Finite Element Method
With the advances in the analytical procedures, a two-dimensional finite element method taking into account nonlinear behavior of ground is frequently adopted in the analysis of the seismic response soil-pile-structure systems in recent years. Unfortunately, the differences between results obtained from two-dimensional analysis and those obtained from three-dimensional analysis remain to be clarified. In two-dimensional analysis, it is crucial to define the analytical width of the soil elements in the direction normal to the analytical plane. This is generally defined as being identical in length to the width of the footing in the direction normal to the analytical plane. However, there is little knowledge as to whether the results obtained from the two-dimensional analysis based on this assumption are overestimated or underestimated, compared with those obtained from the three-dimensional analysis. This paper discusses a parametric study executed to examine the appropriate width of soil elements in two-dimensional analysis by varying the width of soil elements in the two-dimensional analysis. Reasonable results were obtained from the analysis where the width adopted was identical to the length of the footing in the case that the ground behaves elastically, however it was not possible to identify the suitable width of soil elements in the analysis taking into account liquefaction of ground.
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