1999年9月21日に発生した台湾集集地震に関して、地震観測点のある学校の校舎とその周辺の建物の被害調査を行った。また、1999年12月には、延べ400点を越える強震記録が公表された。本論文では、建物被害調査結果と強震記録を用いて、台湾集集地震における地震動強さと建物被害の関係について分析した。その結果、以下のことを指摘した。(1) 調査した学校建物では小破を越える被害の多くは大破以上であり、被害を受けた建物の多くは靭性性能が低かった。(2) 本調査地点における地震動強さ指標(最大地動加速度 PGA、最大地動速度 PGV、SI値、計測震度)の間の関係は、とくにPGVとPGAの相関が低かった。また、(PGA/PGV) が3程度以下では建物被害は少なかった。(3) PGAが400 (cm/s2) 以下、PGVが50 (cm/s) 以下、計測震度が5.5以下では、建物被害は極めて少なかった。(4) 最大地動振幅をフィルターによって補正した場合や、(PGA/PGV) の値がおおよそ3~10の地点のみを選択した場合において、地震動強さ指標と建物被害の相関係数がいずれの場合も大きくなり、地震動強さ指標で建物被害をある程度説明可能であることを示した。
Relationship Between Building Damages and Indices of Seismic Ground Motion Based on Strong Motion Records from the September 21, 1999, Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake
A major earthquake (Mw=7.6) occurred near the town of Chi-Chi in Nantou county, central Taiwan, on September 21, 1999. We investigated the building damages around the earthquake observation stations. The strong motion recordings from over 400 stations in this earthquake area were pre-published by Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan on December, 1999. In this paper, we examined the relationships between building damages and four indices of seismic ground motions, which were peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV), spectrum intensity (SI) by Housner (1965), and seismic intensity of Japan Meteorological Agency (IJMA). In this result, we have shown the following features: (1) We pointed out that most of the damaged school buildings were not very tough, since most of the damages surpassing the minor ones in the investigated areas were all severe. (2) The correlation coefficient of PGA to PGV in the investigated areas was very low. Only a few buildings were damaged severely in the areas that PGA/PGV were less than about 3. (3) In the areas where PGA, PGV, and IJMA were less than 400 cm/s/s, 50 cm/s and 5.5, respectively, only a few buildings were severely damaged. (4) In those cases where some indices are modified by filtering or where the selected PGA/PGV values fell in a determined area, it was shown that buildings damages could be explained to some extent by looking at the indices of seismic ground motions.
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