低コストかつ高速演算性能を兼ね備える並列処理方式を流れ場のシミュレーションに適用することを検討する。並列処理方式には様々な形態が存在するが、本報では並列計算機のみでなく安価な並列処理環境であるネットワークで繋がれたパーソナルコンピュータ群も利用可能なMIMD(Multiple Instruction Multiple Data)、分散メモリアーキテクチャに基づく並列処理方式に関し報告する。また、並列処理において問題となる通信時間等のオーバーヘッドを低減し収束性を向上させるアルゴリズムや並列処理の特徴を生かした大規模計算の例を紹介する。
Numerical Simulation of Flow Fields using Parallel Processing
The purpose of this paper is to apply parallel processing techniques, which have characteristics such as low cost and high performance, to numerical simulations of flow fields. From within the various parallel processing methods, techniques based on the MIMD and distributed memory architecture are dealt with in this paper since these techniques can be applied not only to parallel machines but also to a network cluster of low-priced personal computers. Also algorithms for reducing overheads at data transfer between some processors and improving convergence are studied. Finally the results of some cases are introduced.
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