



The Cause of Ground Fissures Radiated from the Footing of a Bridge Pier Generated by the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake

by Takashi Tazoh, Masayoshi Sato and Hideyuki Mano

Ground fissures radiated from the footing of a bridge pier were found after the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake. The cause of the ground fissures are reported by Matsui et al. to have been generated by the movement of the pier toward the river(or sea)due to lateral spreading of the ground induced by soil liquefaction. It has been indicated that this lateral spreading of the ground intensified the damage to structures, so that the investigation of the mechanism that causes this severe damage is urgently needed. Consequently, this Kind of ground fissures is being observed with keen interest. This paper clarified from simple experimental and numerical studies that the ground fissures appeared not by the force due to the spreading ground acting to the back of the footing of the bridge pier, but by movement toward the river (or sea) of the ground behind the riverbank (or sea-bank) caused by the collapse of the riverbank (or sea-bank).

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