Earthquake Response Analysis of Pile-supported Buildings Considering Nonlinearity of Pile and Soil
This paper presents a practical numerical method of evaluating the nonlinear seismic response of a pile-supported building. A soil-pile-structure system is modeled using simple beam-spring model. Lateral springs and shear springs are used as soil springs which connect the pile with surrounding soil. To take group effects among piles into account, the stiffness of the springs is evaluated from the soil stiffness matrix of the piles calculated by the thin layer element method. The nonlinearity of the soil resistance forces is represented by using the hyperbolic curves for lateral springs and the Modified Ramberg-Osgood model for shear springs. An earthquake response analysis of a high-rise reinforced concrete building supported by a number of 32 piles is performed, and then the nonlinear behavior of both the building and the pile is discussed. It is concluded that the nonlinearity of the pile decreases the seismic responses of the pile, but does not affect those of the building significantly.
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