Inelastic Behavior of Full-Scale Steel Beam-to-Column Connections
Many steel buildings sustained damage to beam-to-column connections in the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake. In this study, large shaking table tests are carried out using full scale beam-to-column connections in order to simulate the fracture mode that occurred during the Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake. We are able to simulate the brittle fracture which appeared at many steel beam-to-column connections as a result of the earthquake. The test parameter is the thickness of the specimen column plate. Changing the thickness varies the efficiency of the load-carrying capacity of the beam web. We estimate the influence on the structural behavior on the basis of the efficiency of the load-carrying capacity. As the column plate becomes thicker, the fracture mode changes from brittle to ductile and the plastic deformation capacity increases. We also conduct static loading tests. Comparing both sets of test results, the difference in structural behavior under dynamic and static loading is not found to be significant.
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