Estimation of Ground Motion at Hachinohe Higashi High School During the 1994 Sanriku-haruka Oki Earthquake using Microtremor Exploration
It is very important to estimate earthquake ground motion at damaged structures for the purpose of seismic design. As the underground structure at a site has strong strong effect on ground motion, a correct understanding of the underground structure is needed to estimatie the ground motion. In this study, we estimate the ground motion at the Hachinohe Higashi high school, where one school building collapsed during the 1994 Sanriku-haruka oki earthquake, using observed ground motion at Hachinohe city hall about 1 kilometer away from the school. First we estimate the underground structure above engineering bed rock at the school by microtremor exploration. Using the proposed underground structure, the ground motion at engineering bedrock below the city hall is calculated by one dimensional wave propagation theory. Finally, surface ground motion at the school is calculated by the same method using calculated ground motion as an input motion and estimated underground structure. Peak values of estimated ground motion are almost the same as the observed ones, while the predominate period of each is different. As the predominate period of the ground at the school is almost the same as the natural period of the damaged building, the underground structure plays a keyrole in the damage to the building.
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