Applicability of In-situ Freezing Sampling Method for Sands Containing Fines
The applicability of the in situ freezing sampling method for sands containing fines is discussed in this paper. The sampling method was confirmed to be effective for evaluating in situ liquefaction resistance of clean sand. The liquefaction resistance of in situ frozen sample of sands containing fines may be reduced due to disturbance caused by frost expansion that depends on the amount of fines, confining pressure during freezing and the time rate of freezing. Procedures for evaluating in situ frozen sample quality of sands containing fines are proposed based on the fact that the reduction in liquefaction resistance can be uniquely related to the volumetric expansion during freezing for sands containing up to 20% fines. Based on the heat conduction analysis of the ground and frost expansion tests of the soil, an analytical solution, which forms the key of the proposed procedure, is then obtained by coupling the frost expansion strain and confining stress. This paper also presents a case history in which this sample quality evaluating procedure was applied in actual freezing sampling on ground containing fines.
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